Year 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Gilbert
Mrs Watson
Mrs Moreland
Miss Mills
Welcome to Year 2
We are very much looking forward to the upcoming year and all the exciting things that happen in Year 2. The children have settled in brilliantly and are looking forward to learning lots of new things and having new experiences.
Staff in Year 2
Mrs Watson [email protected]
Miss Mills [email protected]
Miss Gilbert [email protected]
Miss Moreland [email protected]
Mrs Tessier
Mrs Roughley
Miss Mendes
If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us via dojo or email. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
P.E Lessons
Year 2's PE days will be Monday and Wednesday. The children will need to come to school wearing their Norwood PE kit on these days - plain white t shirt, navy shorts, joggers or leggings, navy plain sweatshirt or hoodie and black trainers. Your child will also need a pair of black pumps, left in school, to change into for indoor P.E lessons and can leave an extra pair of trainers in school to change into for the Golden Mile if they wish.
Forest Schools
These sessions will be taking place on;
2GM- Monday 16th September
2M- Tuesday 17th September
2W- Thursday 19th September
School Visits
The Maritime Musuem Liverpool (The Titanic) Autumn Term
2W and 2M - Tuesday 1st October 2024
2GM - Tuesday 15th October 2024
The Synagogue (Judaism) Spring Term
TMonday 17th March (Afternoon) - 2W
Tuesday 18th March (Afternoon) - 2M
Thursday 20th March (Afternoon) - 2GM
Formby Beach (Geography) Summer Term
Tuesday 29th April 2025 and Thursday 1st May 2025. We will let you know nearer the time which date your child is going on.
Exciting Opportunities
The children in Year 2 will be given the opportunity to learn the ukulele! This will form part of their Music curriculum and they are already showing great enthusiasm during these lessons.