Collection of Children

At the end of the day all children from Reception to Year 4 must be collected by an adult. For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children it is vital that, should another adult be collecting your child, the staff are informed prior to collection.

Children from Reception to Year 4 will be "handed over" to parents/carers. In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, parents are to collect their child from the area outside the classrooms. 

In Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 the children will be dismissed from the ramped area near to the school doors from the playground. Year 6 will be dismissed from the rear of the building and make their way to the playground outside the Year 2 classroom.

Year 5 and Year 6 children are allowed to walk home unaccompanied or to meet their parent at an agreed point on the way home. If there is no one at the agreed contact point, the child has been told by school to return to the school building and to the office as a "safe place".

If a child has not been collected within 10 minutes of their expected time, they will be "signed over" to the office, who will liaise with the parents. Once a parent arrives to collect their child, they must "sign" the child out.

Late collection records are monitored half termly and parents/carers are reminded of their repsonsibility to collect their child on time.

Collection from after school clubs

Children, who are involved in clubs inside school or on the playground, will be escorted to the playground through one of the main classroom or playground doors. Children involved in clubs on the field can be collected from the field via the gates at the end of the car park.


Following after school discos or other evening events, children must be collected at the end. Only Year 6 children are allowed to go home unaccompanied.

Residential Visits

When children return from residential visits, they can be collected from the area at the side of the coach, which will have parked as close as it can to school on Norwood Crescent. 

Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

Contact us at Norwood Primary School

Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
SEND Email: [email protected]
Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee