School Tour


Hello and thank you visiting Norwood Primary School's virtual tour.

Every week, myself as the Head Teacher, invites prospective parents to tour the school during the day to see the fabulous building and facilities we have on offer as well as giving you an insight into the wonderful relationships we have between pupils and staff. Unfortunately because of all the restrictions we have put in place to keep our school community safe, we haven't been able to do this. However many prospective parents have visited after school, where they have met myself and have had a sample of who and what we are.

Even though the closing date for applications for primary schools is Friday 15th January, we still intend to run tours after this date so that you can feel confident in your choice.



Norwood was built on this site in 1988 and it is clear from any visit and these photographs that we offer our pupils a unique primary school experience.

Although we have over 500 children on roll now, we have a great deal of space which is utilised in so many ways and we are able to offer a large playground, two MUGAs (Multi Utility Goal Areas) - one that is astroturfed, a huge field and most importantly our own forest, in which all our children get to expereince Forest Schools.

Forest School

Forest Schools education is something that is built into every year groups curriculum and we are proud that children in Reception through to children in Year 6 have regular opportunities every term to take their learning outdoors into our woods.

Mr. James, an ex-parent of Norwood, is our trained Forest School leader and he has continued to develop this unique part of our curriculum to extend children's science and geography learning. 


Broad Curriculum

Even before the expectations on schools to provide a broad and balanced curriculum increased, Norwood had always been able to offer this as the ethos of developing the "whole child" has always been part of the Norwood way even back to the late 1980s when Mr. Milne was the Head Teacher.

When a child has been at Norwood, they will have had lots of opportunities:

  • to learn a language (Spanish - all year groups have weekly lessons)
  • to learn to play instruments ( Year 2 learn to play the ukelele, Year 3 learn to play djembe drums and Year 4 learn to play a woodwind or brass instrument)
  • to learn to swim (at Dunes in Year 4 and in Year 5)
  • to perform in a show (either in the Key Stage 1 nativities or in the end of term shows such as "Summer Camp", "Junior Willy Wonka" or "The Wizard of Oz"
  • to represent the school in a team as we take part in every competition available in the Southport area
  • to develop leadership skills across the school with younger children (Year 4 as Happy Cafe helpers, Year 5 as Golden Mile leaders or Mini Police and in Year 6 as Captains or Play Leaders)
  • to become school representatives at events at other schools or in the community
  • to go on a residential holiday and take part in outdoor and adventurous activities- we have one in Year 4 and one in Year 6
  • to participate in an Arts Festival in which dance, drama, art and music skills are showcased



Our 90 Reception children are taught in 3 classes with a teacher and a teaching assistant in each class. Our children come from over 20 nurseries and so it is very important for us to ensure their transition is a smooth one. We do this from the day we are given our allocation of new admissions at Easter. 

Our classes are formed following conversations with the key workers at the nurseries and we try to ensure each class has a balanced mixture of boys and girls, summer born and older children, parents who are new to Norwood and parents who have expereince of the Norwood systems.

In the Summer term, our new Reception children are invited to spend a couple of afternoons with us and then in September, they spend two weeks doing part time - either mornings or afternoons. This enables all the children to get to know each other, the staff to get to know them and give them any extra support needed and to get the opportunity of exploring the whole of the school, which is going to be theirs for the next 7 years. Such a valubale two weeks.

These children will stay together in these classes for 2 years, as they developed new friendships and they progress as individuals. At the end of Year 1, the classes are mixed as we have a clear idea about which friendships are strong and also to give children an opportunity to develop further realtionships with all children in their year group.


Key Stage 1

Children in Year 1 and Year 2 have their classrooms on the ground floor of the school and these have doors which open out onto the playground. At the start and end of the day, parents can drop off or collect their children and pass any messages onto their child's teacher, who is always available.

Classes in Key Stage 1 have 30 children in them and there is usually at least 2 teaching assistants per year group.

Life in Year 1 and Year 2 is slightly more formal than in Reception but the curriculum is geared to developing the basics if reading, writing and maths but in a fun way.

There are always lots of opportunities in the Summer term for children to have a smooth transition into the stage of the school life.


Key Stage 2

Our Key Stage 2 children are based upstairs in the main building (Year 3 and Year 4) while the Year 5 and Year 6 children are taught in the new classrooms in the rear of the building overlooking our large playing field.

All children have access to modern classrooms with excellent supportive and colourful displays. Laptops and iPads are available for teachers to use in any part of the curriculum.


Clubs and Teams

The wider curriculum is extremely important at Norwood and we organise a wide range of extra-curricular clubs for children during their 7 years at school regardless of their interests. While we have a large number of sporting clubs and teams, who take part in all sporting competitions in the Southport area, we also arrange clubs in a range of activities such as singing, dancing, gardening, lego and drama.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have wrap around care?

We offer a Breakfast and After Club which is run solely for our children.

Do you offer music tuition?

Children learn a variety of instruments with tutors from Sefton Music Service. Currently we offer guitar to Year 6 children.  We also have whole class music tuition, which is ukulele in Year 2, djembe drums in Year 3 and  woodwind and brass in Year 4. The children get the chance perform for the school and their parents and this is one of the highlights of the year.

What is your Behaviour policy?

We have a positive behaviour policy where effort with learning and demonstrating our Core Values is rewarded. These are Aspire, Respect and Enjoy.

Children are awarded green dojos for positive behaviour and a red dojo for negative behaviour. However to receive one of thos, the children will have had a reminder and then a warning before the red.

How do you support and challenge able/bright children?

Within the framework of the National Curriculum, all children are expected to make progress with learning. Teachers will know their class well, and enable them to make progress whatever their starting points. Able children will be challenged and motivated to question, enquire, compare, analyse and reason.

Can my child start school in January?

Children don’t legally have to start school until the term after which they become five. However, we do advise against a later start for the following reasons:

When we begin the year in September, the children are integrated slowly, starting with a home visit where we get to chat with you as a family.  Once they start school, we spend a lot of time facilitating the building of relationships. Children make new friends, go to each other’s houses, and the parents begin to make friends as well. This is a hugely important time for the children and parents. We also spend a lot of time in these two terms building children's independence, which is vital. In the first two terms we will be teaching phonics, handwriting and number as well as the rest of the Early Years Curriculum. Children get into the pattern of the day and make good progress in that first two terms. You know your child best and we ask you to consider the pros and cons for your child.  

Can my child be in the same class as their friend from Nursery?

Yes. Once you have been offered and accepted a place, you will have the opportunity to let us know via your child's nursery if there is anyone you would like your child to be in the same class. When considering the classes, we aim to make sure your child is with at least one of their friends.

How often do children attend Forest School?

Children have at least two half days every term where they go to Forest School Weekly. We have a Forest School teacher who facilitates sessions with the class teachers. Outdoor learning is actively encouraged across the curriculum within the year to explore the four seasons. 

What is the provision for art across the school?

We follow the National Curriculum for the teaching of Art. We study a range of techniques and different artists as children move up through the school. We have an Arts Festival every 3 years which sees the whole school come together in celebration of the Arts. Our local secondary schools, our parents and our staff are fully involved in putting together a programme based on one large theme.

What languages do you teach?

Modern Foreign Language teaching is a requirement from Year 3 onwards, however all our children from Reception onwards are taught a language. As a school, we teach Spanish. We speak 11 languages as a school community and all our languages are valued throughout the year. 

What is the process when children start school?

In June, we invite parents to visit school and your child's class teacher and teaching assistant. Following this two afternoon visits are arranged for the children to have their first visits. At the start of September we carry out home visits. Your child’s Teacher and Teaching assistant will come and meet you and your child in a familiar environment. Following this the classes are split into groups  and they attend either a morning or an afternoon in those smaller groups for two weeks. Children will then start full days.

How much can parents be involved in the school?

We welcome volunteers into the school. If you would like to get involved, do let us know. We have parents who come and read with children, help out on trips, support Forest School, help us with gardening, join the Friends of Norwood, the Governing Body and even share any of their talents with a variety of skills.

Do children stay in the same classes?

When children start at Norwod we keep them in the same classes for the first two years. In the final term of Year 1, we start to mix the classes for Year 2. We believe this enables the children to keep their strong friendships from the first two years as well as getting to know other children in their year group and develop new friendships.

What sport do you offer?

All children have two PE lesson a week. We have coaches who teach skills across a range of sports including basketball, tag rugby, hockey, tennis and athletics. Our children take part weekly in the Golden Mile around our playground track. All our Year 4 and Year 5 children have swimming lessons at Dunes. 


We offer a range of clubs after school. Current examples are football, netball, basketball, handball, tag rugby, dance, chess, gardening and lego. 

If there is anything further you would like to ask, please email the school office at [email protected] or telephone us on 01704 211960.


Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

Contact us at Norwood Primary School

Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
SEND Email: [email protected]
Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee